Shocking ! Lasers can be used to hack smart devices like Alexa, Siri and Google

Technology has advanced so far that anything and everything has become smart such as cellphones, home appliances, cars etc. Today voice commands are very much in vogue and even common people have started using smart speakers such as Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant. While its a lot of fun there is a big danger to it as well as researchers have found that shady characters can use laser technology to hack into the devices from a distance of 300 to 350 feet and give commands.

According to the researches, a person using a telephoto lens can throw the laser light onto the smart speakers and use ultrasonic rays that cannot be heard by humans to command the device to open the doors or even shop online. The analytical details have been sent to Google, Amazon and Apple to beef up the security of the devices as the current models have not taken this into account.