Lawrence in midst of controversy

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 15 2012]

Raghava Lawrence is in the midst of a controversy. The reason is, needless to say, Rebel, which has got him the highest number of brickbats since he was born. First, Prabhas' fans cursed him because they believed that the film was getting unduly delayed due to his nakhras. After the release, critics slammed his appalling creativity.

Now, it is the turn of the film's two producers, J Bagawan and J Pulla Rao, to slug it out with him. They have approached the Producers' Council, complaining that Lawrence did not honour his commitment. What is it? He agreed to complete the film at the agreed cost of Rs. 22.5 cr. However, once the film went on the floors, its cost soared and soared without respite. Sometime in mid-2012, the producers proudly stated that Rebel's budget is Rs. 40 cr.

They might have hoped for spectacular collections, but the film has received a lukewarm response from Day 3. It is now the case of the two producers that Lawrence should owe the responsibility for not honouring the agreement and being the cause of the inflated budget.

On his part, Lawrence took his own grouse to the Directors' Association. He has his own grievance: The producers sold off the dubbing rights by going against the terms of the agreement dealing with it. They had agreed to sell the rights to Lawrence.

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