Glamorous Bollywood heroine to make her debut in Legend Saravanan's movie!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 13 2021]

It's a known fact that enterpreneur Legend Saravanan of the popular Legend Saravana stores is making his debut as a hero in films after acting in several advertisements earlier.

This untitled movie is directed by JD - Jerry director duo who have directed movies like Ullasam, Whistle etc. This movie which has a huge star cast has music by Harris Jayaraj and is being shot in a grand scale.

The latest update on this movie of Legend Saravanan is that the team has roped in popular Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela as the heroine. Known for acting in Hindi movies like Grand Masti, Hate Story 4, etc, Urvashi Rautela will be seen playing an IIT graduate microbiologist in the movie.