Leopard snatches, kills and eats three year old baby

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 08 2018]

We’ve been hearing a lot of news pertaining to the death of human beings at the hands of the wild. A few days haven’t passed since a lion mauled his owner who raised him from birth, and now a leopard had snatched and eaten a three year old boy.

The boy was reportedly left under the care of a nanny in the safari lodge of the Queen Elizabeth National Park,Uganda. In the wee hours of Friday night, the unknown to the nanny, had followed her outdoors. Then the leopard had taken the child and disappeared before action was taken.

A search party was constituted but it was too late as only a skull was found the following morning. Authorities are on a war footing to capture the animal at the earliest as the tendency to hunt humans is more when a wild animal has actually tasted human flesh.