Life imitates art for Mahesh

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,September 03 2004]

There seems to be no stopping Mahesh or the news about his last venture Arjun.

Basking under the glory of it, the young hero, called Prince by his friends and fans, is likely to do a film with Puri Jagan.

Now, Puri Jagan just helped his brother Sairam Shankar by launching him in 143 ---I Miss You. And Mahesh himself did Arjun for his own brother Ramesh Babu.

But Arjun was all about affection between a brother and a sister.

So life had to imitate art, and Mahesh will be doing the film with Puri Jagan for his sister Manjula. The latter burnt her finger badly through Nani.

So the new film may be Mahesh’s way of saying sorry and thanks to his sister.