Lockdown: Manju Warrier helps 50 transgenders

Recently it was announced that Mollywood Superstar Mohanlal and actress Manju Warrier contributed their donations to the financial aid collection for daily wage workers in the film industry. While Mohanlal donated Rs 10 lakh to the fund, Manju Warrier contributed Rs 5 lakh.

Apart from this, Manju Warrier has now handed over financial assistance to arrange food items and other essentials for 50 transgenders. A transgender activist Soorya Ishan took to her Youtube page to thank the actress for the help and treating 'transgender people too as humans. Manju handed over the financial assistance through the transgender organization Dwaya, lead by celebrity makeup artist Renju Renjimar.

Hailing Manju’s noble act, Renju Renjimar took to her Facebook page and penned an emotional note to the actress. In a casual conversation with Renju, Manju learned the helplessness of the transgender people who are left jobless in the time of lockdown. In no second thought, Manju immediately transferred a sum of Rs 35,000 to purchase 50 kits of essentials for the needy.

I and Manju Warrier communicate through texts almost every day. A few days ago, when we were talking about coronavirus, she enquired about us. She asked whether we were safe. I told her that they were safe but were finding difficulties in arranging food. She asked me how much it would cost to buy the required food items. I told her that it would cost Rs 700 and above per kit. Manju offered to pay for 50 food kits and asked for Dwaya’s account number. She transferred Rs 35,000 into the account within 10 minutes,” says Renju shared pictures of the groceries purchased with the amount Manju Warrier transferred.