Madhavan is back

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 25 2004]

The ways of Madhavan are strange and intriguing.

Just a year ago, he was the teenyboppers' heartthrob. His films were a rage and he had film with the likes of Kamal under his belt.

In short, the world was his oyster.

But suddenly he left it all to do a Hindi film (a remake of his Tamil film Nala Damayanthi). Then there was also the English movie (a crossover one) with a Malayalam director. But with those two films now finished, Madhavan is back.

And he has grown long hair.

Ask him why, Madhavan smiles his trademark toothy grin.

He says it is for the young lad that he is playing in the movie titled Thambi to be directed by Seeman.

Next, he has accepted to act in a Tamil movie to be directed by noted Malayalam director Fazil. Interestingly, music maestro Ilayaraja has accepted to compose songs for the Fazil venture.