Caste is less important in film industry: Madhura Sreedhar [Exclusive Interview]

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,June 27 2016]

Madhura Sreedhar is on a high as 'Oka Manasu' has opened to critical applause. In this exclusive interview to IndiaGlitz, the producer talks about working with Rama Raju, why a biopic on former cricketer Sreesanth was shelved, the pride of introducing Niharika, his upcoming movie, and more.

On trimming the first half:

Although we got a very good response from the beginning, we trimmed the first half by 14 minutes. There was an overdose of romance. This we didn't realize because we were in love with the content. Watching the film with the audience on first day, the vibrations were different. The universal response now is that the first half is good and the second half is great, especially the climax.

On the audience's response:

'Oka Manasu' is a mature love story which the audience have warmed up to. I always had faith in the audience, who have always loved good films.

On getting appreciation from Niharika's parents:

Naga Babu garu and Padmaja garu are very happy with our film. They have congratulated me. They have liked Niharika in the climax, especially. Rama Raju garu (director) had approached Samantha and Regina Cassandra for the role of Sandhya, but after watching 'Oka Manasu', you will say that she is not replaceable. The same is true about Naga Shourya.

On what he thinks the future has in store for Niharika:

Niharika is surely going to make it big. She is a thinking person. I am sure that she will be a big producer in Tollywood ten years down the line. She has already started her own production house to produce web series.

On Naga Shourya's character being casteist:

Why should a hero always be idealistic? There is no such hard and fast rule. If you take Puri Jagannadh's films, for example, the hero is not always the ideal youngster. Our intention was never to justify casteism. We have only depicted a contemporary reality with detachment.

On casteism in Tollywood:

Casteism is there everywhere. But in the film industry, it is there to a lesser extent. The reason is that people are here to do business. So, they wouldn't be bothered about a creative person's caste.

On not remaking 'Vicky Donor' & shelving biopic on Sreesanth:

There is no question of the producer in me dominating the director in me. I wanted to remake 'Vicky Donor', but felt that since it is a remake, the scrutiny would be more severe. Prathi scene ki na meeda thupaki pedtaru. In any case, nobody is waiting for my films. As for the biopic with the former cricketer Sreesanth, I dropped the idea when he insisted on a cinematic climax. I wanted a realistic climax. It's not like only cinematic climaxes work. If you take Ram Gopal Varma's movies, some of them have non-cinematic climaxes, but they became big hits.

On his next movie:

My next movie is going to be with Rama Raju garu, once again. He narrated an idea months ago. I took a call to make this love story on the day of the release of 'Oka Manasu'. I can't tell whether it's going to be with newcomers or otherwise. The script has to make the demand.

On giving back to society:

I believe in giving back to society. Recently, I adopted an orphan because I spontaneously felt that I should. I took the decision that very moment. I have imbibed this trait from my parents. Secondly, I was thoroughly influenced by the thinking of Narayana Murthy garu and Sudha Murthy garu during my stint with Infosys. I came out as a better person after getting trained in that company. I got to interact with Murthy garu and Nandan Nilekani.