Madhuri Dixit takes to Insta to commemorate 29 years of ‘Saajan’!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,August 30 2020]

Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit reminisces her experience of acting in the film ‘Saajan’ posting a picture on Instagram. The actress featured in the film ‘Saajan’ released in 1991, alongside the actor Sanjay Dutt.

It has been about 29 years since the film was released. To commemorate this, the actress posted a picture of the film on social media with a caption reading, “After reading the script of this film, I instantly decided to be a part of it. The story was romantic, the dialogues were poetic and the music was brilliant! ??”.

The dancing beauty Madhuri who was last seen in the film ‘Kalank’ is quite busy binging into art, utilizing the lockdown to derive productive outcomes. She never refrains from updating her fans on social media. The brilliant actress’ fans are most awaited to watch her again on the big screen.