'Maharshi' fake Likes have been removed: Netizens

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 08 2019]

Sections of social media users are claiming that thousands of YouTube Likes that the 'Maharshi' teaser recently got are fake. As per them, YouTube has removed the fake Likes so that the figure reflects only genuine Likes.

If some users are to be believed, anything from 25,000 to 27,000 likes that the teaser got in the first 24 hours were fake. A Netizen says that the teaser for '1: Nenokkadine' had a rap on its knuckles when YouTube realized that many Likes were not genuine.

It's found by many that the number of Likes the 'Maharshi' teaser was reflecting on Saturday was more than that on Sunday. The missing Likes, apparently, were fake.