Major wants Panorama Selection

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 01 2014]

Busy with the production of his new movie 'Picket 43', the director famous for his action based army movies want to send this to Panorama selection. A amazing visual treat shot in Kashmir, Major Ravi wants to have his movie viewed by ministers and all government officials.

The movie which tells an amazing cameraderie between two isolated soldiers of India and Pakistan in pickets around Kashmir is looked upon as a film that is right for a time when Modi government has taken the initiative to Pakistan Prime Minister to Nawaz Sharif to extend the hand of friendship. Major Ravi opines from his experience'. You might call the Pakistani soldier an enemy but when there is no order from the government then they are friends; they wait for the order to shoot at each other and kill, this is reality."

Picket 43' is all set to grace the theatres on this Independence day.