Alamara completed its shoot

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 25 2017]

Alamara, directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas, touted as a sit-com (situational comedy) has wrapped up its shot. The locations were Bangalore and Chottanikara.

The film deals with the custom of presenting a cupboard as part of dowry in Kerala. In this movie cupboard acts as the killjoy and how it create ruckus in the life of young couple played by Sunny Wayne and Aditi Ravi. The film is rife with situational comedy and the character of Sunny Wayne is of serious kind but with natural humor.

According to the director actor Manikand's role is much hilarious in the film and would be a completely different one compared to his role in Kammattipadam'.

The script of the movie is written by John Manthrickal. Other cast includes Ranji Panicker, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Saiju Kurup, Indrans, Sudhi Koppa etc.