Mammootty finally smiles

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 26 2014]

The effectiveness of an actor to thrill his viewers is measured by various means, primarily by the commercial success of his movies and then also by the quality of the roles. Mammootty is one actor who even after his mammooth experience in films couldn't make his fans and well wishers happy with the selection of his movies in the last couple of years. Post his last big hit 'Best Actor', Mammootty was able to make only one more commercial hit in Laljose's 'Immanuel' which ran to hundred days in 2013.But post this film most of his selections back fired. The only role in which he was appreciated was that of 'Kunjanantante Kada' which also failed in the commercial front due to its slow narratives.

Anyhow, the actor is having a final smile now as his latest 'Munnariyippu' is creating fine reviews from all around. The movie which had him as a convict C K Raghavan also give us lessons on subtle acting and how Mammootty could make another convict character look much different from a dozen movie characters that he has done earlier in the same mould. With able support from the director and the scriptwriter and each of the passing actors, Mammootty has achieved a wonderful feat that will ask every thinking viewer to have a re run to exactly fathom each of his subtle nuances and soft touches that makes the role very special. The much happy Mammootty is now at ease in the sets of 'Varsham', the new movie by Ranjith Shankar which also tells a soft, family story.