Manchu Manoj mentions 'caste-based movie actors' in letter

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 18 2018]

Manchu Manoj has reacted to the honour killing that recently happened in Miriyalaguda. In an open letter, the young actor said that he is deeply anguished at the killing of Pranay by his wife's casteist father. In a heartfelt letter, Manoj blamed it on every form of casteism that we see in day-to-day lives for gruesome incidents like the present one.

“This is to all out there who think caste and religion are bigger than humanity, the youngster began saying. Caste feeling in any form, be it for caste-based movie actors (Fanism), political parties, college unions, caste and religious organizations is brutal and messed up! Every single person who encourages caste is responsible for the horrible ending meted out to Pranay and many others like him, Manoj said forcefully.

It’s high time that you are taught the value of life before learning anything else. An unborn child has lost his/her father before even holding his hand or feeling his touch. What worse could you do to anyone to break their lives apart? All in the name of caste? Is it even worth it? We all have a heart, body, breathe the same air, live in the same world…why discriminate and take lives merely differentiating with the name of caste? he asked.

When would the world realize that we all are one? Shame on all those caste lovers and supporter. Remember that you all are the ones responsible and to be blamed for this and not just the one accused of! Shut down casteism! It is a disease that needs to be prevented. Open your goddamn minds and behave like humans! I am begging you all from my heart. Let’s give a better world for our children, the actor signed off.