Manchu Vishnu's banner threatens legal action against 'abusive' trolls

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 19 2022]

Manchu Vishnu's production house, 24 Frames Factory, has said that legal notices will be slapped on those individuals/media houses that publish or host derogatory posts against Dr. Mohan Babu and other members of the Manchu family.

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The statement issued by the production house today said that vested interests are behind the trolling, which is both hurtful and derogatory. The statement alleges that some forces working for certain film personalities are found to be actively involved in generating offensive content against Mohan Babu and Vishnu.

We have maintained restraint so far. But the targeting has gone overboard. The trolling has assumed innumerable levels. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been requested to remove abusive content.

For the reference of the social media platforms, abusive and problematic posts, links have been shared.

Targeted personal attacks will be categorized as cyber offences and damages to the tune of Rs 10 Cr will be claimed, the statement says.