Mani Shankar Aiyar terms Modi as 'neech aadmi'; get suspended by Congress

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 08 2017]

In an interesting twist to some events which took place during the past few days, senior Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar was suspended from the party and was also issued show-cause notice for his reported ‘degrading’ remarks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Congress and the BJP have been trading verbal volleys during the run up to the Gujarat Assembly polls. The first phase of polling involving 89 constituencies is to be held tomorrow (09th December) while the second phase of polling involving the remaining constituencies would be held next Thursday (14th December). Prime Minister Narendra Modi recent compared Congress high command to the ‘Moghul regimes’ which had ruled India erratically in the past.

Taking on Modi, Aiyar reportedly used the term neech aadmi (man of cheap virtue) while commenting on the Prime Minister. This raised a huge controversy in the political arena with Congress president Rahul Gandhi asking Mani Aiyar to tender an unconditional apology over his unacceptable remark. Aiyar responded promptly and issued an apology regretting his comment.

In the meantime, taking the issue further, Rahul has suspended Aiyar from the party’s primary membership and also issued a show-cause notice to him asking why action shouldn’t be taken against him for his ill-willed remarks against the Prime Minister.