Manjima Mohan to wed Tamil hero Gautham Karthik

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 01 2022]

Remember Manjima Mohan of 'Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo' fame? She is all set to marry Gautham Karthik, the son of actor Karthik. The duo has confirmed their wedding plans.

What happens when the right person comes into your life? Most people would say that you would be filled with love the moment you set your eyes on them, your stomach will feel like there are butterflies flying around inside your heart would sing for joy etc. However, my journey has been different for sure, lol. We started by always pranking each other, always bickering and arguing about the silliest of things. Even our friends couldn't stand our arguments, Gautham began saying in his post.

The actor revealed that he started off by calling it friendship but slowly realized that Manjima was making him stronger in life. You stood by my side when I was at my worst, never losing faith in who I could be. You always push me forward in life, never letting me give up, always staying positive for me, never letting me doubt myself or my self-worth, he added, thanking his girlfriend.

Now let me do my part by making sure I earn your love every day and nurture and grow this bond till the very end, he added.

In her Insta message, Manjima wrote that Gautham entered her life as a guardian angel when she was completely lost three years ago. You changed my perspective on life and helped me realize how blessed I am. Every time I feel like a complete mess, you pull me up, she added.