Mathematician-woman arrested for anti-BJP slogans

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 04 2018]

A 28-year-old woman named Lois Sofia was on Monday arrested at the Tuticorin airport in Tamil Nadu upon a complaint lodged by the TN BJP president Tamilisai Soundararajan. The woman, a research scholar in Canada, reportedly raised anti-BJP slogans in the plane in which she and the BJP leader were coming to Tuticorin.

The saffron leader happened to come near her to take her luggage. This is when Sofia raised the 'Down with Modi-BJP-RSS fascist government' slogan. Minutes before this incident happened, Sofia had tweeted that she wants to raise the slogan.

How can she shout like that? This is not a public forum, the BJP leader has said, adding that she suspects that an extremist organization is behind her. The politician told the media that she felt her life was under threat from Sofia.

The research scholar will now face a trial for creating public nuisance and for attempting to cause alarm. She will be in judicial custody for 15 days. Meanwhile, Sofia's father has approached the police with a complaint of criminal intimidation against the BJP leader.