'Mayflower' to have Fahd

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 05 2012]

IT Techie turned film director Renjith Shankar has impressed much of Mollywood with his debut film 'Passenger' which was also a hit among masses. Though his second coming in 'Arjunan Saakshy' didn't do well in the Box Office, the movie was a notable one for its treatment and subject. Now in his third flick, a musical in the title 'Mayflower', Renjith will be having Prithvriraj again in the lead. The recent report suggests that the director will be also bringing in the new sensation, Fahad Fazil for this love story. The other highlight of the movie will be the introduction of a fresh music director Anand Madhusoodhanan who will tune five songs for the flick. 'Mayflower' is expected to be on sets in a couple of months.