Meet Bollywood's new bodyguard

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 17 2011]

Salman Khan is set to make the box office cream his name again in chorus with his Eid dhamaka 'Bodygurad' but there's some one who has pledged to protect B-town bodies and be a guard of their fitness.

Well, its none other then the well toned Ashish Chowdhary who has finally decided to turn his dream into reality.

Ashish who has one of the fittest and sculpted bodies in B-town, has apparently been told many times by friends and co-actors since years to start something of his own, as he such a deep knowledge of fitness.

The actor who has helped many people over the years with their bodies, and is known for his workable tips, is reportedly working on a 360 degree venture that will include a luxurious gymnasium, spa and a holistic body centre, say sources!!

And what's more, this is just one of his business ventures; the actor is also in hush hush talks with his closest B-town buddies for other innovative ideas as well.

Well...with the fitness craze spiralling each day, looks like this is going to one much awaited venture...!! Watch this space for more updates!!