'Meri Jaan Meri Jaan' second song from Akshay Kumar's Bachchhan Paandey is out now

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 02 2022]

‘Bachchhan Paandey’ promises all the elements of an out-and-out big screen entertainer - After the evil and deadly ‘Maarkhayegaa’ that introduced audiences to the protagonist, Akshay Kumar in and as ‘Bachchhan Paandey’, the second song ‘Meri Jaan Meri Jaan’ sung by B Praak and composed by Jaani, is guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings.

With sparkling chemistry between Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon, the melodious love song shot at some breathtaking locations in Rajasthan, has been choreographed by Ganesh Acharyaa.

Directed by Farhad Samji, ‘Bachchhan Paandey’ whose trailer opened to an overwhelming response, also stars a talented ensemble star cast including Kriti Sanon, Arshad Warsi, Pankaj Tripathi, Sanjay Mishra, Abhimanyu Singh and Jacqueline Fernandez.

Get ready for 'Holi Pe Goli' as Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment’s ‘Bachchhan Paandey’ is all set to release in cinemas on 18th March, 2022!


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