#MeToo: Amitabh Bachchan in danger zone?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 17 2018]

The #MeToo movement is spreading like forest fire. Many women are coming out with allegations of how they were subjected to harassment by leading people and big names. The latest to face such allegations is none other than Bollywood’s reigning veteran Amitabh Bachchan.
Bollywood’s celebrity stylist and ex- Bigg Boss contestant, Sapna Bhavnani stated on her social page that the ‘truth will come out soon’.  “This has to be the biggest lie ever. Sir the film Pink has released and gone and your image of being an activist will soon too. Your truth will come out very soon. Hope you are biting your hands cuz nails will not be enough,” she tweeted.

With the movement bringing in a lot of big names, it is high time that a proper investigation must be started into these allegations.