Milind Soman reveals the aspect which improves his body and mind 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 24 2021]

Actor Milind Soman is really an icon. He isn't seen too often in acting roles these days but he makes that up by being a fitness enthusiast who loves to inspire people with his routine physique goals. Milind recently completed an 8 day running expedition of 416 kms in which he travelled from Mumbai to Gujrat to visit the statue of unity. Recently he talked about the thing that keeps his head level and has a very profound impact on his life i.e, sports.

Soman said, I give a lot of importance to sports and how it has shaped my life and made me the kind of person I am. It gives you a self-belief in your own capability… What you can do and what you’re good at.”

He further added, In life, people doubt so much like, ‘am I doing the right thing?’ I think when you do sports, you understand your body, mind and spirit. You have better confidence and knowledge about what to do. You’re not really influenced by people saying, ‘oh, you shouldn’t do this because it might be bad and you might fall down, anything can happen’. You’re not that influenced by other people’s thought process.