Military detains Myanmar's leader, President; Emergency declared

In November last, elections were held in Myanmar and the results of the polls were not to the satisfaction of the military. Since then, the Army has accused that the elections were fraudulent and compromised. The news is that, after weeks of tensions between the government and the military, the latter today staged a coup and declared a year of Emergency in the country.

Myanmar's military takes power and declares state of emergency for a year, headlines have said on Monday morning.

The country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi as well as the President have been detained. Besides, several senior figures in the government have been detained.

State media and other communications have been blocked completely. Indian Government and top security apparatus closely monitoring the situation, Aditya Raj Kaul, a journalist, tweeted. At the time of writing, India didn't issue a formal statement.

Meanwhile, the US has issued a statement, expressing alarm at the arrests. It also urged the military to release the detained leaders.