Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has terrific news for movie goers and cinema hall owners

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,January 31 2021]

Ever since the pandemic disrupted the social structure of the world last year, lots of businesses went out of order. Cinema halls in the country were shut for seven months and after that they were operating at the 50% capacity. Now the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has permitted cinema halls and multiplexes to operate at 100% capacity.

The ministry has issued a guideline of standard operating procedure (SOPs) which are to be followed in the theaters. There should be proper availability of disinfectants and hand sanitizers and all the movie goers should wear face shield or masks. Staff should maintain 6 feet distance between them at all times.

This is a terrific news for movie goers as well as the theater owners as it implies that most films which postponed due to pandemic will finally release now.