Veteran actor's son accused of raping and cheating an actress

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 03 2018]

Mithun Chakraborty is a famous and reputed actor in Bollywood. In a shocking news, a case has been filed against his son Mahaakshay Chakraborty for cheating and raping a Bhojpuri actress in addition to forcing her into abortion.

The complaint also stated that the actress kept reminding Mahaaskhay of marriage but the actor did not respond. Then the actor had asked her about her ‘kundli’ and said later that they matched only on a friendship level not on a marriage level.

The actress also claimed that the Mahaakshay’s mother ‘threatened’ her and asked her to not ‘dream’ of becoming her mother-in-law. In 2015, the actor had administered the actress with alcoholic substance in a asoft drink.

And according to the complainant, the accused had raped her for four years continuously. The court has ordered a police investigation keeping in mind the highly influential status of Mahaakshay.