Model Mansi murdered for refusing sex with teenage boy

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 25 2019]

The body of a young girl was found in a bag on the side roads of Mumbai's Malad area and the police started an investigation. It was later revealed that the twenty year old victim was a model named Mansi Dixit who was invited to the house of an aspiring photographer Syed Muzammil from where she went missing.

Syed Muzammil a Hyderabad lad aged 19 had come to Hyderabad only a day earlier and on October 25, 2018 had called Mansi who was a social media friend. In his confession, he has stated that he tried to have sex with the girl but when she refused had hit her with a wooden stool on her hand and had attempted molestation and rape after she became unconscious.

Syed then strangled Mansi with a lace and a rope, then stuffed the body in the bag and called for a call taxi. When the first driver had questioned him about the heavy luggage he cancelled the trip and then booked another car to the airport. On the way he changed the destination and asked the driver to stop near a side road where he dumped the body. It was the suspicious driver who watched all this from a distance and alerted the cops.