Modi is insulting Army, not Congress: Rahul

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 04 2019]

Rahul Gandhi has on Saturday pooh-poohed Narendra Modi for taking credit for the Balakot airstrikes. The Army, Air Force and Navy are not personal properties of Modi ji. When he says that surgical strikes during the UPA era were done in video games, then he is insulting not the Congress but the Army, the Congress chief said.

He said that it was the BJP's sin that Masood Azhar of the JeM was let free in 1999. Strictest of actions should be taken against Masood Azhar, but who sent him back to Pakistan? Who bowed down to terror and released him? Not the Congress, but it was the BJP government, he asked.

Regarding his recent apology to the Supreme Court for attributing 'Chowkidar Chor Hai' comments to it, Rahul said, I made a comment and attributed it to the SC. So, I apologized. I did not apologize to BJP or Modi ji. 'Chowkidar Chor hai' will remain our slogan.

Rahul further said that Modi's regime will be ending on May 23. Five years ago, it was said that Modi ji will rule for 10-15 years and that he is invincible. The Congress party has demolished Modi ji, it is a hollow structure and in 10- 20 days, it will come crumbling down, he added.