'Modi is like a bride making only sound with bangles'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 11 2019]

Former cricketer and Congress politician Navjot Singh Sidhu has on Saturday made sexist comments on Narendra Modi. The controversial leader said that the Prime Minister is like a bride who fakes it always.

Modi ji pretends to do a lot of work. However, he is like that bride who doesn't make rotis but only makes a lot of noise with her bangles to make her neighbours believe that she is working hard, he said. The BJP has hit back at Sidhu and his party, saying that Congress always disrespects women.

Sidhu made these remarks at a Congress rally in Indore. Curiously, several members of the crowd raised pro-Modi slogans at the rally. The police have registered a case to inquire into the incident.