Modi's jibe can inspire 'Bharat Ane Nenu' scene

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 07 2018]

Don't know if Koratala Siva really watches Parliament sessions, but if he has watched Prime Minister Modi's much-referred jibe at MP Renuka Chaudhary, the director could well pen an inspired scene for 'Bharat Ane Nenu', with Mahesh Babu giving a funny villain such a counter.

To get into the details, when Renuka was laughing out loud in Rajya Sabha during the PM's speech, Chairman Venkaiah Naidu asked her to see a doctor if she has any problem. At this, Modi intervened and told the Chair not to stop her. "I am hearing such a laughter for the first time since the Ramayana serial," Modi said as BJP MPs laughed.

Imagine Mahesh Babu referring to some folk film of his father, Superstar Krishna, in such a scene. That will be cool to watch.