'Mohini' in Chamundeswari

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 10 2006]

With a series of hiccups 'Mohini', film has now entered the dialogue recording room for the completed portions of the film. In 12 days the dubbing was attended by various artistes.

The special effects mixing would take place in fifteen days time says producer Mohan. Like how 'Prema Loka' was a trend setter in music in late 80's this film 'Mohini' would be a trend setter in 2006 informed Hamsalekha of national repute.

Thriller Manju is handling the stunts. Rajendra Karanth has penned the dialogues. Sada, Aditya, Anu Prabhakar, Poonam Sihasini, Swamee, Rajesh, Adilokesh, Mohan Juneja, Ramesh Pandit, Shanker Rao are also in the cast.