Moote short film, a step to big screen

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 26 2017]

Most of the short film makers have an eye on big screen. This youngster Yogish Shanker Narayan is also with similar attitude it seems.

The short films showcase the talent of a director and fetch the offer for big screen film direction in many a cases. The short film almost turned entrance test for big screen.

With this short film Moote', Yogish Shanker Narayan has come up with a luggage of his life. That is 20 minutes Moote'. In the typical Gandhinagar style a youth in this short film is told to gain experience by short film, work with directors as assistant and gain experience. Taking on this advice the protagonist prepare a short film that encounter of a criminal by four cops. The length of this short film is actually 18 minutes. The mistakes done here I would correct it in my next endeavor he says.

Moote' is shot in seven days and first copy required Rs.3 lakhs investment. Sujith Gowda and Aryadev in key roles. Ananth music, Mahesh N Childre editing, Devi cinematography support are lent for this Vardhik Joseph production.

This Moote' is available in You Tube. It has been selected for international screening and got recognized in Mumbai Jio short film contest.