More matured - Nikitha

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 28 2012]

The talented actress with beauty and brain together Nikitha Tukral surrounded by controversy in the last year as her name figured in challenging star Darshan arrest episode and faced ban announcement for three years that was immediately removed by those who clamped met media at the shooting spot of 'Gowriputhra' on Monday afternoon.

From the trauma of 15 days in last October I have faced I have grown more matured. I started looking at the people and developments in right way. Five years elder I have grown from the episode that dragged my name says the actress Nikitha.

I got complete support from my mother and elder sister a journalist taught me several things in this time. I am in to spiritual things also helped me to overcome the allegations made says the actress. One new thing I learnt was the true colors of my colleagues.

After the controversy in the Darshan case I have taken part in the shooting of 'Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna' in a song. Everything is cool now. I have finished Gowri Puthra in Kannada and another big film is at the discussion level. I am doing a Tamil film with Karthi soon stated Nikitha Thukral.

What about marriage that she has announced long ago? My father expired a few months ago. After completion of one year anniversary marriage talks continue disclosed Nikitha Thukral.