MUST READ: Bigg Boss's startling figures will stun you

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 28 2017]

It was reported yesterday that NTR's debut on Television has catapulted Star MAA to numero uno position. Here are some of the stunning figures:

1.The show has recorded a phenomenal rating in week 1 with 16.2 TVR's for the launch episode. This is the highest ever in Telugu Television Industry and the show has recorded an average of 10.4 for weekdays.

In other words, NTR has delivered an industry hit on the small screen as well!

2.As per BARC Wk 29 Report, every 2nd person in AP/TS watched the show making it a great success.

3.To elaborate, 5.20 crore viewers have watched the episode which is the highest till date.

4.Star MAA is now back again to No.1 position riding on the back of a huge GRP growth, thanks to Bigg Boss.

NTR is now the biggest TV star without doubt.