My brother got irritated & told me something: Pawan Kalyan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,February 12 2017]

Speaking at a student conference held in Harvard University, US, Pawan Kalyan said that there was a time when he wanted to commit suicide.

"I was so stressed out because I had been flunking exam after exam. My friends were going to Universities in US. I was failing continuously. I wanted to commit suicide. Most of you know that my brother is an actor. He had a licensed pistol. I thought of taking myself by shooting myself with that pistol. I wasn't living up to my parents' expectations," he said.

Saying that he started experimenting with his life by getting into Yoga, Martial Arts, etc, he once again iterated that he wanted to become a Yogi.

"I was not interested in acting. I wanted to be a Yogi. I wanted to be away from materialistic life. I was deeply into Yoga. I was giving spiritual lectures to everyone in the family. My brother used to come to home completely tired after a hard day. I used to tell him how we should be detached. One day, he got irritated and said to me, "Can you be the same guy after becoming someone, after achieving something?' That was an awakening to me," Pawan recounted.

There was a time when Pawan wanted to join the naxals in search of solutions for problems. "I wanted to get into extremist outfits like naxals. My problem was how to address these issues. When injustice happens in India, the law is applied weakly against the strong and strongly against the weak," he said amid cheers.

Giving a peek into his communistic and spiritual leanings, he talked about his father's dichotomous worldview. "My father, a communist, was a great devotee of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. This confused me. I didn't know which ideology to embrace," he said.