Bollywood director's wedding anniversary gift to Nagarjuna and Amala

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,June 12 2015]

Amala Akkineni played a pivotal role in Bollywood film 'Hamari Adhuri Kahani' and Mohit Suri , the director of the film, gave a touching wedding anniversary gift to the duo by screening the film for them in Hyderabad.

"Nagarjuna and Amala watched the film together with their family and he was very proud of his wife. Amala plays Emraan's mother in the film and Mohit decided to screen the film for her in Hyderabad as she couldn't be in Mumbai for the trials. Little did he know that he screened the film on a day that was her and Nag's wedding anniversary. They were both deeply moved by the film," says a source present at the screening.

Mohit Suri says, "Yes, I did have a screening for Amala and Nag sir. I'm told that they really liked the film and it tou?c?hed them. I take that as a huge compliment coming from them."