TN youth dies after walking 500 kms to reach home during coronavirus lockdown

B. Lokesh a 23-year-old youth from Namakkal in Tamil Nadu has lost his life attempting a 500 K.m walk from Nagpur after he along with 23 others were chased out of their rooms there due to the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. The youngster had covered 453 km reaching Hyderabad on Thursday where the group was rounded up by the cops and made to stay in a government facility. After eating dinner Lokesh fell unconscious and passed away apparently from a heart attack due to exhaustion and dehydration.

Reports say that Lokesh whose father is a watchman and mother working in a garment store had gone along with the others to Nagpur to work in a private company from February. When the lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi they were stranded without food or shelter and that's when they decided to attempt to walk back home.