Nambiar travels to Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 06 2009]

He created waves with his graphics work in 'Arundhati'. Rahul Nambiar is now a happy and excited person. What is he excited about? Well it seems like the boy has received an invite to Bollywood.

Producer Shyamprasad Reddy has asked Rahul to direct the Hindi version of the film.

This has also made Rahul very nervous. He is nervous because in Hindi the film will be more grand and on a larger scale. Currently, the ground work is said to be on and Rahul has been working out on the cast and crew of the movie.

For now, the muscular Sonu Sood is said to have been retained to play the role of Pasupathi, the Aghora Sadhu and the evil spirit.

All the best for this Rahul!!!