'Narasimha' is 'Ishwar'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,September 07 2006]

Director Om Prakash Rao has changed his title 'Narasimha' and named it as 'Ishwar' in the second schedule of shooting. A poor girl securing rank in the SSLC urges for help to study further with the Education Minister. But crooked education minister tells that the poor should not dream in life.

The protagonist 'Ishwar' comes on the scene and rescues the student from further insult. This was shot recently by director Om Prakash Rao. Audhitya plays the lead while Radhika is his counterpart. Also in the cast are Saikumar, Swastik Shanker, Tharakesh patel, Sudharani, Chitra Shenoy, Ramesh Bhat and others. This film is produced by R.Shankare Gowda.