Natty Natraj accuses Suseenthiran of Cheating

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 26 2018]

Natty Natraj one of the topmost Bollywood cinematographers also became a successful hero after the super hit 'Sathuranga Vettai' and is currently starring in 'Chandi Muni' in which Manisha Yadav is the leading lady.

Natty Natraj has shocked twitter followers by posting I ve been cheated..... Suseendran and antony manager... Cheaters..... In a previous Tamil post he has hinted that it is regarding a song he acted in a movie 'Jeeva' starring Vishnu Vishal and Sri Divya. The song Natty Natraj appeared in the film is Oru rosaa unna loosa. But the cinematographer turned hero has not given any clarification regarding how he was cheated by Suseenthiran and his manager yet.