Karthik Subbaraj welcomes Bollywood heavy weight to 'Thalaivar 165'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 28 2018]

Superstar Rajinikanth's new movie 'Thalaivar 165' directed by Karthik Subbaraj and produced by Sun Pictures is currently being shot in the Binny Mills compound near the Chennai Airport. Bollywood heavy weight Nawazuddin Siddique is playing a pivotal role in the film and has just joined the sets. He has stated Rehearsing my lines for my first Tamil movie 'Thalaivar 165'. Delighted to be working with the Superstar Thalaivar.

Karthik Subbaraj has replied immediately தமிழ் சினிமா தங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது ...Welcome to Tamil cinema sir... We too are delighted to work with you..

One of the most anticipated films 'Thalaivar 165' which has Anirudh as the music director stars Superstar Rajinikanth, Simran, Trisha, Bobby Simha, Sananth Reddy, Megha Akash, Malavika Mohanan with Nawazuddin Siddique and Vijay Sethupathi reportedly playing the two powerful antagonists.