Nayantara makes hay

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 22 2007]

Trisha's loss is Nayantara's gain. Trisha also opted out of Vishal's film Sathyam and is being replaced by Nayantara.

After Thamirabharani, Vishal was keen to commence Sathyam. The movie was to be directed by newcomer Rajashekar. Vishal would play the role of an Assistant Commissioner.

Trisha was initially assigned to play the heroine in the movie. Due to certain delays, Sathyam got postponed.

In the meantime, Vishal liked the story of Malaikottai directed by Boopathy Pandian and Vishal decided to do Malaikottai first and then Sathyam.

Because of the sudden change, Trisha could not give fresh call sheet and so Nayantara replaced her.