Netizens question Siddharth over post on Bengal violence

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 06 2021]

From BJP to CPM and Congress, all major political parties in West Bengal have said that TMC goons have been attacking and intimidating opposition party workers ever since Mamata Banerjee's party won a landslide on Sunday. At a time when many are condemning the TMC, actor Siddharth struct a different note.

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No place burns unless one party loses. Think about that. They always win and the defeated just move on. We are a country hijacked by a communal badly behaved cult, Siddharth wrote.

Soon after the tweet, the 'Bommarillu' actor was royally shamed by Netizens. Sanjaay Seerangan tweeted, Being critical of a government is one thing and just stupidly blaming is another. Unfortunately, you are of the second type. BJP lost in Tamil Nadu, Kerela. Why is Bengal alone burning? Spreading hatred against a party matters most for you.

The 'Maha Samudram' actor has also been accused of casual bigotry. Vivek R wrote, Wake up you bigot boy. Only Leftist nincompoops and new-age goondas of TMC are like that. So, stop this intellectual masturbation which you day in and day out to prove your so called 3rd rate liberalism.