New lease of life for Uday

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 11 2005]

Uday Kiran is not the most lucky of actors.

Despite having the talent and looks, his career has not gone very far. Fortune has just not favored him.

But now the equations seem to be changing.

The young actor, whose last film Aunanna Kadanna under the direction of Teja was a flop, now seems to be back in the reckoning.

Uday, who not long ago was the poster-boy Telugu fans, has been approached by many producers recently.

He is most certain to do the remake of the Kannada film Akash. And then he is also going to do a romantic film with a big producer.

The actor is not ready to talk about his films as yet because he wants all the plans to firm up further.

But it is nice to hear that a talented actor is back in the reckoning.