New Posters : Kalyan Ram - Puri's 'Ism' audio on 5th

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,October 02 2016]

Puri Jagannadh's much anticipated movie, 'Ism', starring Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, was supposed to hit the theaters on 30th September. But the film has now been postponed to mid October. Meanwhile, the team has been planning a grand audio release on 5th of this month.

The team has released new posters with the audio release date on them. The posters are interesting. The film will see Kalyan Ram as a dashing journalist and Jagapathi Babu's role is going to be interesting.

Anup Rubens renders the music score. His album of Puri Jagannadh's 'Temper' was a super hit and the songs of 'Ism' are much awaited now. The audio is going to release through Aditya Music. Kalyan Ram is also bankrolling the project. NTR Arts is the banner.