New South African variant of coronavirus is more infectious: UK

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 24 2020]

Days after the discovery of a new variant of COVID-19 in the UK, the government of the UK has confirmed that yet another mutant has been discovered in the country. This has been referred to as the South African variant, after the name of the country where it is suspected to have originated.

Reports say that UK's Health Secretary Matt Hancock has confirmed two cases of the newest variant already. The new variant is leading to a massive resurgence of coronavirus cases in South Africa, reports say. It is more transmissible than the UK variant.

Travel restrictions have been imposed in view of the existent danger.

Commenting on the development, Ebola expert Dena Grayson wrote, Both coronavirus variants have the same N501Y mutation in the spike gene. The South African 501.V2 variant is more common in younger adults and has a higher viral load, spreads more easily. The vaccines still appear to work, but that could change.