Chennai corporation's new video about corona rapid testing kit!

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had announced the arrival of 5 lakh antibody test kits of two kinds from China last week, from the companies Guangzhou Wondfo and Zhuhai Livzon. As reported by ICMR, these kits are 70 per cent more sensitive in detecting the virus.

Earlier, ICMR had recommended the usage of rapid testing for coronavirus in high containment zones. The two types of antibody test kits are differentiated based on the two kinds of antibodies in a human body - immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG).

As per reports, Tamil Nadu has got 24,000 kits in the first phase while state government has also requested an additional 1.25 lakh testing kits which might be delivered soon. Now, Chennai corporation has released a video about how rapid testing kits work, taken at Bharathi women's college, Royapuram.