Nikhil Siddharth's new film announced

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 31 2020]

Nikhil Siddharth has signed up to do a new film with the happening Asian Cinemas and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP. His 20th film was on Friday announced by producers Narayan Das K Narang and Puskur Ram M Rao and presenter Sonali Narang.

Addressing Asian Cinemas, the 'Arjun Suravaram' actor said, Happy to sign with you... With your trust and backing, we can make better and bigger films.

At the time of writing, the makers kept the name of its director under wraps. It's presumed that a debutant will be wielding the megaphone.

Besides this film, which is his 20th outing, Nikhil will be doing Chandoo Mondeti's ‘Karthikeya 2’ and ‘18 Pages’.

As for Asian Cinemas and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP, they are currently producing ‘Love Story’, directed by Sekhar Kammula and starring the Naga Chaitanya-Sai Pallavi duo.