Nikhil Siddhartha questions journalist on Sushant Singh Rajput case

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 19 2020]

Actor Nikhil Siddhartha is happy that the Supreme Court has transferred the case of Sushant Singh Rajput's death to the CBI. On Wednesday, he took to Twitter and said, Finally. Now we will all know the Truth of what exactly happened.

In another tweet, he reacted to a comment made by a senior journalist. It is personal biases (and political agendas) which have converted a tragic suicide into a national tamasha, journo Srinivasan Jain commented.

This had the 'Kirak Party' and 'Kartikeya-2' actor ask what makes him feel that SSR's was suicide for sure. Sir, How have you arrived at the conclusion that it is suicide? When the Supreme Court of India has allowed a CBI enquiry suspecting FOUL PLAY? India wants to know the truth. What bias do you have from letting an investigation happen and calling a fight for the truth as Tamasha? the actor asked.