Nikhila Vimal signs her next Kollywood film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 14 2017]

Mollywood actress Nikhila Vimal, who won the hearts of Tamil audience with her stunning performance in Sasikumar's Vetrivel and Kidaari, has signed her next. The actress will be next pairing with Sibiraj for an upcoming Kollywood film, directed by Vinod.

Nikhila who has been sporting village girl looks in all her previous ventures will be seen as a city-based modern girl in the upcoming project. Interestingly, Sibiraj will be playing a multi-shaded character in this film. The movie will be primarily shot in Kashmir. More details about the project are expected to be revealed soon.

In Malayalam Nikhila was last seen as Dileep's pair in Love 24 x 7.